Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Meru Can’t Sing? Meru Benga Artist KamaNu Seeks to Slay the Rhetoric!

Contemporary Benga artist KamaNu has singlehandedly slayed the irritating rhetoric that ‘The Meru Can’t Sing’ to save their necks. A pioneer in the region, and one of the mainstays of Meru music, KamaNu has established a unique niche with his deep captivating vocals, melodious tunes and electrifying performances.

While his rise since 2006 to present has been hard, and filled with pitfalls, KamaNu has stamped an enviable reputation gracing weddings, corporate events and over LP studio releases. He has several albums under his belt – but, the track that sealed his stature as a formidable creative – is the timeless love ballad ‘Susanna’.

As an individual, KamaNu is easy to talk to, devoid of the snobbish ‘superstar mien’. Quite good-natured, affable, bubbling with jokes and laughter. The artist (sorry to disappoint you ladies) is happily married, to one Ivy Kaburu.

Co-Op post

On his Facebook page, KamaNu shared candid details and secrets of his marriage that keeps the flame burning.

It’s the classic open letter. Here’s are the five take-away lessons for new wives!

  1. If you want your husband to make love to you often, have a good attitude. No matter how sexy you look or dress, your husband will not find you attractive if you have a bad attitude.
  2. If you want your husband to be opening up to you sensitive and difficult information, learn to keep secrets and not to overreact. A man refrains from sharing too much when he is scared information will be leaked or be misinterpreted.
  3. If you want your husband to solve the issues in your marriage, stop seeing yourself as the angel and him the devil, stop attacking him or labelling him as “The agent the devil is using to ruin your marriage”. See also your fault, show him you are on the same team and seek solutions, not finger pointing.
  4. If you want your husband to be taking you out often, stop bringing drama and ruining dates with issues that should be dealt with at home. No man wants to go spend time and money at a venue where he will be emotionally drained.
  5. If you want your husband to be chatting with you and calling you up, be fun to talk to, make him miss you. If each time he calls you or chats you up it ends up with you starting a fight, reminding him of his wrongs or ordering him around he will avoid communication with you.

Staying in touch all day with your husband, needs to be affordable. A social call with a loved one may run on forever. Other times, even video calls. There’s no need to break the bank.

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