The Young Presidents Organisation (YPO) Nairobi Chapter is marking its 25th anniversary year with a series of events culminating in a gala dinner. From small beginnings there are now over 100 members who are responsible for five per cent of the country’s GDP.
They strive to make Kenya more attractive for internal and external investment. As a Platinum member of KEPSA, the Chapter has helped with discussions with the Government on key topics including import regulations and taxation.
With over 27,000 members in more than 130 countries around the world YPO is the global platform for Chief Executives to engage, learn and grow. Member managed companies employ 16 million people and generate six trillion dollars in annual revenues. Background information on the organisation and the qualification criteria for membership are listed in the website [email protected] .
Moyez Alibhai came across the YPO when he was working on a USAID project and met several members. He found the interchange inspiring for his business, personal development and the well-being of his family. This drove him to set about gathering like minded acquaintances to establish the local Chapter of which he continues to be an enthusiastic member.
Talking about his involvement in YPO, Akshay Shah, the current Chairman of the Nairobi Chapter, said, “My enthusiasm for YPO stems from the organisation being a force for good which encourages us to improve our management capabilities and family life through learning from fellow members. We meet regularly for presentations by top academic and business personalities from around the world”.