Saturday, March 15, 2025

Three Secrets to Running a Successful Poultry Business

Due to a high demand for both layers and broilers both in Kenya and globally, investing in poultry business can be a great revenue generator when done correctly. The following are secrets to running a successful poultry business:

  1. Ensure Proper and Healthy Housing of The Birds

The most important factor to consider is that the poultry housing system and fencing options. Poultry housing system determines up to the 40% of the success rate you able to achieve in poultry farming. A good housing system is most important purpose for your business.

2. Get an Effective Marketing Strategy in Chicken Farming Business Plan

  • For broiler

The birds which have can be the marketable weight should be sold. They should be harvested as scheduled always. When the harvest schedule approaches, the farm representatives should be able to reminded they should be ensure that the delivery trucks will come in time.

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This has to be ensured that the birds will not consume extra feeds due to the longer stay of the farm without the beneficial effect to the birds.

  • For independent growers

    Alternative market place should be surveyed even before time of harvest to ensure the ready market for broilers. Marketing arrangements with the local hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, institutional buyers, stores all of these with freezers should also be able to make. With the negotiation of different associations and also the market cooperatives should also be made to have a closer on a common prize. The organized producers have also some bargaining power when it is comes to their selling price. Producers are advised to calculate which is more profitable to sell. And the dressed or live chicken and whether may sell at the farm or bring them to the market. The broilers might be sold at optimum number of weight. More profits can be gained, if broilers can be sold between the weights of 1.3 to 1.5 kg live weight which depend on consumers’ preferences.

  • For table eggs

    You have to survey the market, before investing in egg production. Marketing arrangements can be made in, local departmental store,local hotels, restaurants, local bakeries, cafeterias, groceries, and also other regular users. This may ensure the regular orders for the eggs. Sell graded or classified eggs. Properly grading or classification may be attract all the types of consumers. This would be able to the consumers make purchasing decision on egg size at hand. It is better to sell only clean eggs. Dry or wet cleaning of eggs should be a good practice on the farm. Reducing breakage and spoilage of eggs to the minimum case.

Poultry farming business is highly profitable if it is properly run under the acceptable methods and conditions which are conducive for the bird. Each type of livestock farming, poultry included, follows specific operational principles if they must run profitably, but when such principles are ignored by the farm authority, it causes in serious losses.


3. Poultry equipment and appliances

There may be a very long list of equipment and other facilities to put it in place in order to fully manage a poultry farm. And you may able to construct a house for the birds which provided feeders and drinkers and a good system of waste of disposal system, source of water, lightening and heating, egg creates and storage space for keeping feed and eggs.

Therefore, you should able to make a list of all the items you may need, find out the prices of these and compare them in different prices to further give you an idea of the costs of setting up poultry farm.


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