Saturday, March 15, 2025

Workplace Group starts office space franchise expansion drive in Kenya

International Workplace Group (IWG plc) this month announced the expansion of the first flexible office space franchise opportunity in Kenya. The company is currently seeking driven multi-brand franchise operators, landlords, private equity firms and high net-worth individuals to seize the opportunity to buy into the lucrative flexible working market at attractive returns.

A report on the Future of Work in Africa, released by the World Bank this month, shows that access to digital technologies could set Africa on a different path to the rest of the world. While there is globally a focus on new and old sectors, in Africa digital transformation will predominantly enable advances in productivity and efficiency in current sectors.

Regus, an IWG plc company, started the flexible working movement over 30 years ago and has remained the global leader since, growing to over 3 400 locations worldwide. Its proven business model has shown its resilience through many economic cycles in Africa and globally. Regus in Africa has worked at creating a professional business environment where African businesses can flourish and grow.

Co-Op post

By 2020 it is estimated that 50% of workers will work remotely most of the time, which will create a dramatic shift in the way the African populations work. By 2030, it is predicted that 30% of all commercial real estate will be flexible workspace.

The only way to cater for the huge demand will be through rapid growth, hence IWG plc’s aggressive move to franchising in cities and urban centres, but also in smaller feeder towns and areas. With their focus on a “great day at work every day” the Regus brand alone has become the go-to for entrepreneurs and large corporates trying to attract and retain talent.



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