Monday, March 10, 2025

World’s dirtiest man, Amou Haji dies aged 94 years months after first wash in 60 years

Amou Haji, the world’s dirtiest man has passed on at the age of 94 years. The Iranian man had been dubbed the titled ‘world’s dirtiest man’ after failing to take a bathe in over 60 years.

Amou Haji is not his real name. It is however an endearment term for an elderly person.

Amou Haji gained notoriety around the world for his dirt filled skin, claiming that soap and water would make him sick and hence why he abstained from baths.

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Amou Haji reportedly had no wife or family, but the villagers did their best to take care of him. He lived in isolation in his own brick hut outside the village. The brick hut was built by villagers after they noticed the deranged man slept in a hole in the ground.

World's dirtiest man, Amou Haji dies aged 94 years months after first wash in 60 years


Locals attribute Haji’s weirdness and denial to bathe is due to ‘emotional setbacks’ in his youthful days.

In 2014, Haji was reported by Iran media outlet, Tehran Times, to have avoided fresh food, opting instead for roadkill and smoking a pipe of animal excrement. He could also smoke multiple cigarettes at once.

Not so long ago before his death on Sunday in the village of Degjah, Amou Haji had been convinced by villagers to take a bath for the first time in decades.

In 2013, Amou Haji was the subject of a documentary called “The Strange Life of Amou Haji’.

The mantle might now have been unofficially passed to Kailash Singh ‘Kalau’ an Indian national who has not showered for more than 30 years.


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