Saturday, March 15, 2025

Kenyans to give DNA, plot and house numbers to get IDs

You will now have to provide your DNA and house satellite data when acquiring a national ID card.

 will be required to provide biometric data like ear, eye and voice patterns along with satellite details of their homes in an Interior ministry plan to centrally manage identification documents under a new electronic system.

Adults applying for state documentation such as IDs will be required to provide additional information about their location, including land reference number, plot number or house number.

Co-Op post

The ministry is also seeking to introduce Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates in registration of persons, enabling tracking of their location via satellite capabilities.

Unique personal identifiers or attributes such as fingerprints, hand and earlobe geometry, retina and iris patterns, voice waves and Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) will be kept in digital form (biometric) and physical for



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