Saturday, March 15, 2025

Financially troubled Erastus Mureithi’s Suera farm sold

The Chandarana family’s Subati Group has bought off Suera Flowers Limited owned by financially troubled Ol Kalou MP Erastus Mureithi at undisclosed amount.

According to a sale notice published in the Kenya gazette on Friday, the former Olkalau MP sold six parcels of land in OI Joro Orok, Nyandarua County together with all properties therein including flower farms.

“Notice is given under the Transfer of Business Act, that Suera Flowers Limited, has pursuant to an agreement for sale dated August 31, 2018 sold properties together with the assets thereon which include flower business to Subati Group Limited,’’ the notice read.

Co-Op post

Financially troubled Erastus Mureithi's Suera farm sold

The former MP’s wife Susan Mureithi has been managing Suera Flowers Limited for over two decades and is a member of the Flower Council of Kenya.


To make sure that the new owners is not dragged Mureithi’s debts which saw his property advertised for auction in August, the sale agreement was clear that the buyer is not assuming nor intend to assume any liabilities whatsoever incurred in the business by the seller.

Yesterday, the former legislator was holed in a meeting, promising to call back later. He had answer our queries on what pushed him to sell the business by the time of going to press.

Even so, Garam Investments Auctioneers had intended to auction Mureithi’s business empire on August 23 this year, ostensibly to recover Sh. 1.7 billion loans owed to a local bank. The list of property earmarked for sale included green houses, parcels of land in Nyahururu and residential and business blocks in Nyahururu and Nairobi.

The former legislator who failed to recapture his parliamentary seat in 2013 has been bogged by a series of financial unmet obligations with most of them ending in courts.

In April 2001, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) wrote to Mureithi’s former employer Cooperative Bank, raising issues with payment of taxes on some benefits he had enjoyed but not remitted taxes.

Although the bank gave him seven days to clear tax liabilities amounting to Sh. 11.2 million on March23, 2003, Mureithi failed, forcing the bank to sue him.

The court ordered Mureithi to pay Cooperative Bank Sh. 11.2 million plus interest at court rates from the date the case was filed. The deal will now see Subati Flower Limited raise its portfolio in the flower sector, up from 60 million stem exported every year. The firm is located in Naivasha.


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