The last few years have worked very well for content-creator Njugush. Working for the likes of Safaricom PLC, Dominos, Kenchic, KFC, Bic, Bountiful Safari sequentially calls for enormous effort and unparalleled creativity.
In fact, any brand worth its name in Kenya today has worked with Njugush.
Juggling all these clients to make both ends meet while delivering quality is what many would fail terribly at.
The art of entrepreneurship in a world brand promotion is one that Njugush has mastered quite well, giving corporates a run for their money.
Here are some few lessons, you as an entrepreneur can borrow from Njugush:
Your Brand is your stronghold
That something that people identify you with is what attracts more them to your products and services.
Most people identify Njugush with his witty sense of humor and first-degree creativity that resonates with our life experiences.
Building your brand might take some good time, but it is that one thing that will quantify your business in future. The credibility of your brand matters.
Creativity reigns
You cannot keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. With Njugush, his content keeps changing from a short video on household drama, to what’s trending on social media.
In so doing, he is able to humor his audience, without being monotonous. As an entrepreneur, coming up with creative ways to run your operations could be your ticket to the great performance.
Digital marketing is king
No one can underestimate the power of social media in promoting good content. Fans will follow you to the ends of technology because you are the real deal.
Njugush has maximized on the use of social media, from Instagram, facebook, twitter. He has a Youtube Channel too. Social Media will give you the numbers, much more than you would get if you went analog advertising.
Start small with what you have
Before corporates came dying to have a cell of Njugush brain, he was a cast on the TV comedy-drama The Real Househelps of Kawangware.
He later quit focussing on advertising, infusing it with his impeccable sense of humor. Then boom, his followers grew, so did his creativity. As an entrepreneur, its okay to start small, just don’t get too comfortable, grow yourself.
Consistency is key
When you visit Njugush Instagram Page or Youtube Channel, Njugush Creative, there is always something new. It at least a week or two, there is always something to look forward to from him.
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In this spirit, Entrepreneurs should always be on their toes, meeting the demands of their customers without fail or excuses whatsoever. That’s how you grow your revenues, that’s how you remain legit.
Passion above all
If it doesn’t make you happy, don’t push it. When passion meets, business quality and satisfaction shake hands with form grips of assurance.
Njugush has a way of capturing our minds, without struggling to remain relevant or forcing content to sell. Business and passion are inseparable. If entrepreneurs love what they do, a breakthrough will be much faster.
Hard work pays
Good things take time. You have to put in the effort, the time, the resources. Someday it will be worthwhile.