TSC 2020 Vacancies: The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced new vacancies for teachers. To apply for the open 4,0000 secondary school posts, candidates are required to meet the following:
i). Be a Kenyan citizen
ii). Must be a holder of at least a Diploma in Education
iii). Must be a registered teacher with Teachers Service Commission.
To apply for the open 1,000 primary posts, candidates are required to meet the following criteria:
i). Be a Kenyan citizen
ii). Must be a holder of at least a P1 certificate
iii). Must be a registered teacher with Teachers Service Commission.
To apply for promotion and deployment of practicing 1,000 teachers in public primary schools, candidates are required to meet the following:
i). Be a Kenyan citizen
ii). Must be a holder of a P1 certificate
iii). Must be serving under Teachers Service Commission.
iv). Be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with 2 teaching subjects
v). Must have attained at least C+ mean grade at KCSE or its equivalent and C+ or it’s equivalent in the two teaching subjects.
Additional info:
interested and qualified candidates have been asked to submit their applications online through the Commission’s website www.tsc.go.ke under ‘careers’ or teachersonline.tsc.go.ke not later than September 14, 2020.
The TSC will hire 5,000 permanent and pensionable teachers to support the 100 per cent transition from primary to secondary schools. Further to these openings, the TSC has also advertised vacancies for 5,474 primary school teachers and 1,100 vacancies for secondary schools. These vacancies are meant to replace teachers who have exited service.
According to the commission, successful candidates who apply for the secondary schools positions shall be appointed under the T-Scale 7, Grade C2 under the Career progression Guidelines for Teachers and shall be deployed to secondary schools where vacancies exist.
READ MORE: TSC changes stand on teachers’ career progression rules
Teachers who apply for the positions in primary schools successfully shall be deployed to any part of the country, and not necessarily in the county where they were recruited. TSC 2020 Vacancies.