Thursday, February 6, 2025

How you can make money from a vacant piece of land

How to make money from vacant land: Buying a piece of land is one of the things everyone wants to do at one point in their life. This comes to pass at different times for everyone. Before buying land, everyone always has a plan behind the purchase; some to build homes, and for others is to do business.

Things don’t always go according to plan, and sometimes one might lack the finances to see their project to completion. This leaves them stranded with a piece of land and nothing to do with it. This, however, should not get you stressed, because with the land you can never go wrong.

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Land is one of the assets that appreciate with time, regardless of what is being done on it, or even just lying unoccupied.

Fanaka Real Estate is here to give you tips on how you can earn despite having your land vacant and with this money you can be able to accomplish your end goal.


One of the things you can do with a vacant piece of land is farming. If the piece of land is fertile enough you can reap good produce and this will help you raise money to complete your project. You can also do other forms of farming in the land including but limited to daily and also poultry farming.

You can rent out your piece of land to someone willing to do put it to use over a specified period of time as you gather resources to develop the piece of land, and when you are ready you can have your land back and begin building that dream home you were after.

Here’s the process of buying and owning land in Kiambu County

You can also hire out parking space for your neighbors and friends and other people if the land is closer to the Central Business District at a fee and this way you will have made some money at the end of the day.

Co-Op post

You can also use the land as a private recreational park where people can come and hang out over the weekends or any other time for a small fee.

These are just some of the ways you can put an idle piece of land to use and make some money for yourself.


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