Business is hard; that is why we started Bizna. To provide a forum that like minded people would congregate and draw inspiration to go on one more day. It is also a forum where successes and achievements are celebrated and new ways of doing business are conceived, actualized and realized.
It is amazing that we have told business stories from literally every corner of Kenya and beyond. Presently, though the target audience is primarily Kenyan, we have visitors from around the globe and we are truly humbled and commit to do our best to offer good credible and useful content.
We started from scratch on 15th September 2014 and this is what Bizna is a year later:
- 1.5k unique views
- 3k articles published to date
- 12k unique views daily (Monday – Friday)
- 5k unique views (Saturday & Sunday)
Demographics – Google Analytics
A) Gender

- 35 % – Female
- 65 % – Male
B) Age
- 59% – 25-34 years
- 21% – 35-44 years
- 12% – 18-24 years
- 5% – 45 -54 years
- 2% – 55-64 Years
- 1% – 65+
 Alexa Ranking

- 5 of Kenya blogs
- 51 0f Kenyan websites
- 171 in Kenya
- 141,250 Globally
Social Media

- 14,314 Likes on Facebook – Bizna Kenya Page

- 1524 followers on Twitter – @biznaa