Saturday, May 4, 2024


Things to consider before you venture into agri-business

Each farm business is different. Before you jump in take a few minutes to define your goals. This will help you refine your business...

Top 5 ways to get agribusiness capital in Kenya

It's almost unanimous, the number one problem facing everyone before starting farming or any other business is Capital! We have highlighted below some of...

6 things to consider before you start fish farming

1. TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW / PLANNING  Fish farming like any other successful business requires an enormous amount of planning, knowledge and skills before venturing into...

Cut your losses and earn more with Co-op Bank’s crops and livestock insurance

The importance of getting an insurance policy for your crops and livestock cannot be over-emphasized. And with the need for value-addition and products tailored to...

Why you need to insure your dairy and crop farming

What is more devastating for a farmer than a drought that strikes at a time crops are just beginning to bloom? Pretty nothing else. For...



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