Saturday, May 18, 2024


Why you must package your bananas after harvesting

Proper banana post-harvest packaging with its leaves can save farmers three out of 10 fruits destroyed before reaching the consumer. Vincent Oyaro, the chairman of...

Why you must keenly watch your dairy animal’s weight

Majority of farmers don’t care much about the weight of their animals; despite knowing that weight is a critical parameter in their health and...

How I’ve found riches farming tree tomato fruits

Suleiman Njeru started with tomato farming in 2010 but the crop did not yield much and he incurred huge losses due to the harsh...

4 major challenges you’ll face in greenhouse farming

Despite the benefits of greenhouse technology, most farmers face numerous challenges. They include: TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY Many farmers fail to get good profits from greenhouse crops...

How Murang’a farmers are reaping big from milk model

Murang’a County is reaping big from betting on backing a cooperative society to drive milk production for 43,000 dairy farmers as output shoots to...



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