Saturday, July 27, 2024


How To Create A Monthly Budget – The Essentials of Reducing Your Debt

Does the word budget send chills up your spine? It shouldn’t. Budgets allow you to have some control over what you spend. A monthly...

How to convince anyone of anything in 10 seconds

You're on the most important elevator ride of your life. You have 10 seconds to pitch — the classic "elevator pitch." Love or hate. Money...

How a Kenyan couple team built a promising food business

Eight years ago Kenyan accountant Wachira Kariuki quit his career to basically buy and sell milk. But he became frustrated with being a “middle...

Why Every Business Needs A blog By Sheeroh Kiarie

The Oxford dictionary defines a blog as a regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual or small group that is...

How to Find Help for Your Credit Problems

A credit-counseling agency serves as an objective party to help you sort through your credit problems, see your credit situation through the eyes of...



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