Thursday, January 23, 2025

Cost breakdown: Building a three bedroom house with Sh. 2.4 million

Cost of Building a Bungalow in Kenya

Cost of Building a Bungalow in Kenya: A real estate developer has issued the cost estimates of building a three bedroom house. In an interview with the Daily Nation, real estate developer Peter Gitau gave the following breakdown excluding land (Note: These estimates do not reflect the position of Bizna Kenya but are purely the real estate developer’s. Feel free to share your feedback on whether you agree or dispute using the email address below):

Planning approvals plus amenities connections paper work: Sh. 150,000.

Architect and engineering: Sh. 200,000.

Co-Op center

Building stones: Sh. 350,000.

Roofing and ceiling: Sh. 400,000.

Sand: Sh. 100,000.

Ballast: Sh. 100,000.

Cement: Sh. 60,000.

Plumbing: Sh. 150,000.

Co-Op post

Electrical connections: Sh. 150,000.

Windows and doors: Sh. 80,000.

Interior amenities such as kitchen cabinets and wardrobes: Sh. 150,000.

Painting: Sh. 120,000.

Labour: Sh. 300,000.

Landscaping and general finishing: Sh. 100,000.

Walling: Sh. 150,000.

Total: Sh. 2,410,000.

How to build a three bedroom house with Sh. 800,000

Mr. Gitau further said that what Kenyans need to be aware of is that getting their dream house requires patience and technical know how. That way, they will save lots of money. “Would you rather spend Sh. 30 million on a three-bedroom house along Kiambu Road or spend Sh. 12 million building a house reflecting your own style and fashion?” he posed.

Cost of Building a Bungalow in Kenya:

Bizna Kenya would love to hear how much money you used to build your house. You can email us your cost breakdown at [email protected]

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