Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Dr. Daniel: How I produce 21.3 Million eggs on my farm every year

Dr. Daniel is a human doctor and a YouTuber who has ventured into large-scale poultry production on his farm in Uganda.

The farmer owns two poultry farms which serve different purposes. His first farm, a 400-acre farm with a capacity to hold 60,000 breeder chickens mainly focuses on the hatching of chicks.

”On this farm, with 60,000 breeders divided between layer breeders and broiler breeders, I can produce 12 million eggs from the broiler breeders and 6.5 million eggs from the layer breeders every year’’ he says.

Co-Op post

The second farm, a three-acre farm hosts 5,000 layer chickens that are reared mainly for the production of eggs for domestic use. Daniel notes that this farm gives him at least 1.5 million eggs annually.

He notes that he keenly observes best agricultural practices to maintain high egg production. The farmer imports the layer and broiler breeders from Europe as day-old chicks as they are unavailable locally.

After 13 weeks, the layers are prepared for laying by giving them different types of feeds. They are also vaccinated and de-beaked to prevent them from harming each other.

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The birds start laying at 18 weeks and remain productive for up to 90 weeks after which they are sold off for meat.

The 2-storey chicken house measuring 100 metres by 12 metres is secluded to keep off visitors to prevent the spread of diseases that can cause massive deaths of the birds.

The farm has also invested in a high level of technology ensuring close monitoring of the birds without physical contact with human beings.

”No one needs to enter the chicken house to supply chicken feeds. They only move to the top floor of the chicken house and poor the feeds on pipes which deliver it to the chickens.’’ Daniel explains.

”The water and the laying boxes are also automated and workers collect eggs from the outside of the chicken house without necessarily having to go inside the house,’’ he adds.

This innovation has helped him curb deadly poultry diseases that can sweep his entire flock. The farmer observes a strict feeding system for the broiler breeders to prevent excess weight gain which he says affects egg production.

He uses the dip litter system to ensure the comfort of the birds as they can move around freely unlike the battery cage system where chickens are confined in one place.


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