Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How to check Form One placement 2023 via SMS and Online

Form One placement 2023

More than 1.3 million KCPE Candidates who sat their exams late last year have already received results and will be expected to report to high schools beginning February 6th, 2022.

The Ministry of Education assured parents and learners that under the 100% transition policy, every student would be admitted to a secondary school where they can continue with education.

Parents and learners are expected to receive their Form One placement letters as early as Tuesday, 17th January.

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The criteria for selection, as explained by CS Ezekiel Machogu, is via a computer-generated system, based on the candidate’s performance, the choice and capacity of the institution.

The Ministry of Education has four different types of Form One selections available for different schools namely;

  1. National Schools
  2. County Schools
  3. Extra-County Schools
  4. Sub-County Schools

The top 5 candidates of either gender from each sub-county will be placed into their first choice top school, per their earlier choices.

Here is a detailed process of how parents, guardians and students can check their placements; online and via SMS.


Send an SMS Message with your KCPE index number to 22263 to find out which school you have been selected to join.

Charges for this process depend on the mobile service company you will be using. The standard charge for Safaricom, Telkom and Airtel is Sh. 25 per text.

Co-Op post

A message will be sent indicating your Form One 2023 selection results and the school you will be expected to join.


To check which school you or your child has been admitted to, you will have to download the full form one admission letter online.

  1. Head over to the Ministry of Education website
  2. Select the county and sub-county where you sat for KCPE. Enter your index number and click submit button.
  3. Click on “admission letter” at the bottom of the page to download a copy.
  4. Print a copy/copies of the letter from the computer.

The government notes that parents who are dissatisfied with the schools their children have been placed in can make alternative arrangements with schools of their choice.

Form one students are expected to report to schools on February 6th, 2023.

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