Friday, June 21, 2024

Effortlessly Transfer Google Photos to Another Account with MultCloud

When you need to transfer photos from one Google Photos account to another account, how do you always make it? Do you still download and then re-upload to transfer photos? Luckily, there is a better way! MultCloud can help you transfer Google Photos to another account in an automatic and time-efficient way. With one click, all your desired photos will be moved to the destination at lightning speed. Let’s explore more about this tool.

What is MultCloud?

Effortlessly Transfer Google Photos to Another Account with MultCloud

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MultCloud is an experienced and professional cloud file transfer service, founded in 2010. It supports 30+ popular cloud drives, such as Google Photos, Google Drive, Google Workspace, Dropbox, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Amazon S3, MEGA, pCloud, Box, iCloud Drive, Wasabi, Icedrive, iDrive, 4shared, and so on. Besides, you can also manage your Outlook and Gmail emails on MultCloud. As long as you have these cloud drive and email client accounts, you can add them to MultCloud and manage all your cloud files and emails altogether on one website.

To make a connection between your cloud drives or email clients, MultCloud offers 5 outstanding functions: Cloud Transfer, Team Transfer, Cloud Sync, Cloud Backup, and Email Migration. Additionally, you can manage files on a single cloud by functions like Upload, Download, Delete, Share, Remote Upload, Email Download, Save Webpage as PDF, etc.


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For security concerns, MultCloud uses the OAuth authorization protocol to connect your cloud storage services. Moreover, the communication between MultCloud servers and cloud services is done over a 256-bit SSL channel.

Which MultCloud Function to Use – Cloud Transfer

Since MultCloud has multiple functions, what is the most suitable one to transfer Google Photos to another account? Users’ common choice is Cloud Transfer. You can take advantage of Cloud Transfer to create an automatic photo transfer process. You may be fond of this function due to the following fortes:

  • Multiple Cloud Sources: If you also want to move photos from another cloud, you can select multiple clouds as the transfer sources and transfer all photos together in one task.
  • Offline Transfer: MultCloud supports offline transfer. Thus, after creating a Cloud Transfer task, you can close the task window and even your computer but the task will still proceed.
  • Task Scheduling:If you do not want the transfer to start as soon as you create the task, you can schedule it at your preferred time. This feature is also favorable when you want the transfer to run regularly.
  • File Filter: There may be some photos that you may not need to move to another account. In this case, you can let the transfer ignore these photos by entering their file extensions in “Filter”.
  • Email Notification:If you want to get informed after the task is done, you can tick the “Email” option so that MultCloud will email you the task status.
  • Avoid Duplicates:You can decide how the task handles the existing photos, by skipping or overwriting.
  • Clear up the Source: Cloud Transfer can automatically delete the transferred photos in the source when the transfer is done if you want to free up its storage space.

How to Transfer Google Photos to Another Account via MultCloud

This part will show you the specific steps for transferring Google Photos to another account. There are only 4 steps to finish creating a Cloud Transfer task.

Step 1: Open the MultCloud website and sign up for a free account.

Effortlessly Transfer Google Photos to Another Account with MultCloud

Step 2: Add a Google Photos account to MultCloud by clicking “Add Cloud” and the Google Photos icon. Also, follow the same operations to add another account.

Effortlessly Transfer Google Photos to Another Account with MultCloud

Step 3: Select “Cloud Transfer” in the left bar and choose the source and the destination Google Photos.

Effortlessly Transfer Google Photos to Another Account with MultCloud

Step 4: Open “Options” to check the transfer settings and tap “Transfer Now” to initiate this task.

Effortlessly Transfer Google Photos to Another Account with MultCloud

Note: If you want to use “Email”, “Filter”, and “Schedule” on this task, set them before tapping “Transfer Now”.


Reading till the end, you must know how wonderful MultCloud Cloud Transfer is. If you want to automatically transfer Google Photos to another account, using this function is a choice. What’s more, if you have other cloud file transfer needs, you can consider using Cloud Sync, Cloud Backup, Email Migration, or other functions. Enjoy the convenient transfer experience with MultCloud!


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