Friday, February 21, 2025

How to make your own dairy meal at home cheaply

How to make your own dairy meal at home: Here’s a break down on how you can make your own dairy meal at home affordably and easily as explained by dairy farmer BIKO KITHINJI.

It’s now a common fact that you should know if you are interested in dairy farming. Any cow fed on grasses alone will never achieve its full milk yield potential.

You must therefore supplement the forage with concentrates. Currently there is a great variety of concentrates in the market.

Co-Op post

All may be good but there is one disadvantage of using them. They are expensive. With a 70 kg sack going for more than Ksh 2800, the most profitable thing you  would be resorting to cheaper alternatives to minimize your costs.

Dairy farm where Gladys Boss Shollei keeps hundreds of pedigree cattle

Commercial dairy meal is produced by mixing different feeds so that the final feed is relatively high in protein (about 16%) and has a good (but not overly high) amount of energy.

Dairy meal is often expensive, and may not be cost-effective, especially if the quality is sub-standard and the farmer has to pay transport costs.

It is possible to make a better quality and more cost-effective mixture mainly using ingredients grown on the farm.Contrary to what feed suppliers will tell you there is no magic behind making concentrates.

The trick is in using the right ingredients and mixing them in the right proportions.

These are the best dairy cow breeds to keep in your region

Different ingredients contain different levels of major nutrients such as protein, energy and minerals.

A mixture must be formulated to balance the nutrients to form part of the animal’s total diet and tailored to suit its particular requirement relative to the kinds of forage that are available.

The information here is intended to be used as a guide. If you are in any doubt about what is best for your circumstances, please contact me for more advise.

Examples of high energy feeds available in Kenya.

Maize germ

Wheat pollard


Maize bran

Wheat bran

High Protein Feeds available in the country

Lucerne hay

Cotton seed cake

Soya bean meal

Sunflower seed cake

Sesbania leaves

Calliandra leaves

Fish meal.

Common Sources of Minerals in Kenya.

Dicalcium Phosphate


Rock phosphate

Mineral Premix.

If your can properly mix ingredients from the three groups above, in right quantity, then you have your concentrate at lower cost and in some cases better quality than what you get from the market.Making home-made concentrates

How to Mix the Dairy Supplements

1: Ordinary supplement

To make 100 kg of the supplement use:

75 kg energy feeds

23 kg protein feed

2 kg minerals.

For example:

57 kg Maize germ

18 kg Wheat pollard

17kg Lucerne hay

6 kg Soya meal

2 kg Dicalcium phosphate.

2: High yielder dairy supplement

To make 100 kg of the supplement use:

68 kg energy feeds

30 kg protein feed

2 kg minerals.

For example:

50 kg maize germ

16 kg wheat pollard

2 kg molasses

14 kg cotton seed cake

12 kg lucern

4 kg fish meal

Our main services include:

1.SALE of Quality Dairy cows

  1. On-farm Training( Dairy farming booklet DAIRY Starters Culture and Solutions)
  2. Cow House design and Constructions And experts

4 Dairy Management software/ Smart cow

5.Dairy Business Plans for start-up Dairy Farm and Dairy Bench Mark for existing Farms

You can reach Biko Kithinji on: 0738495860 or through
Email: greenfarmdairy@yahoo


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