Monday, February 17, 2025

List: BRS data breach exposes local Kenyatta family companies, businesses

When secret and confidential data in the Business Registration Services systems was breached on January 31, 2025, details on businesses and companies within Kenya that are owned by the Kenyatta family went public.

The details from the BRS data breach show that the Kenyatta family empire ranges from dairy industry, hotels, and properties. Former president Uhuru Kenyatta’s brother Muhoho Kenyatta leads the family in directorial roles and shareholding in many of the companies under the family name.

For a start, the family is connected to a chain of hotels under the Heritage Hotels group. Muhoho is listed as a director of the hotels. His name is also listed in fourteen other companies. These companies include Ilara Dairy, Brookside Africa, Brookside Dairy Limited, Emken Investments, and CBA Property Holdings.

Co-Op post

Emken Investments is the holding company for the Kenyatta family. Muhoho is further listed as a director at Greenhut Investments, CBA Property Holdings, Northlands, Kipungani Lamu, Gleenlee Company, Sukarii Development, Loops DFS, Serengeti Investments, and the Gicheha Farms.

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In the list of the Kenyatta family companies and businesses, trusted individuals have also been listed as holding shares or directorial roles. For instance, John Stuart has been listed as a shareholder and director of Enke Management.

Stuart has further been listed as a shareholder and director of other nineteen companies that are associated with the Kenyatta family, including the Heritage Hotels group, Brookside Group, and the NCBA Group.

In addition to Stuart, High Court advocate Jacob Ogechi Ombongi has also been listed as the company secretary for Enke Management.


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