Saturday, July 27, 2024

Full List of Postal Codes for Nairobi

Post Code Nairobi

A postal code, or a ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) code, is a set of specific numbers, and sometimes letters, that help to identify a postal delivery area.

ZIP codes in Kenya are usually a five-digit number that helps to ensure a letter or package is delivered to a particular post office.

The term ZIP code is rarely used in Kenya. Instead, the five-digit number is known as a postal code as it helps postal services to efficiently deliver mail.

Co-Op post

What is the ZIP code of Nairobi?

As specified above, we rarely talk of ZIP Code Nairobi.

Instead, we often talk of Post Code Nairobi especially when asked for this piece of information when registering for an online service.

The ZIP code of Nairobi is 00100. It belongs to the General Post Office (GPO), which is the headquarters of Posta Kenya.


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ZIP codes in Kenya, like ZIP code Nairobi, are five-digit numbers.

The first two digits represent the postal region, while the last three digits specify the actual post office within a postal region.

For example, code 00603 falls within the Nairobi region (digits 00) and it denotes the Lavington delivery office (digits 603).


“In Kenya, postal codes are vital for a variety of purposes beyond mail delivery. They are often required in official forms and applications, including those related to banking, government services, and online registrations. One notable instance where a postal code is essential is when registering at Kenyan online casinos these platforms, featured in the list of Kenyan online casinos, ask for a postcode as part of the sign-up process to verify the user’s location and ensure compliance with local regulations. The use of postal codes in such digital platforms underscores their importance in the modern digital era, not just for physical mail delivery, but also for facilitating secure and region-specific online transactions and verifications.”

That being said, here is a full list of all post code in Nairobi:

ZIP Code Nairobi

  • Buruburu – 00515
  • City Square – 00200
  • Dandora – 00516
  • Eastleigh – 00610
  • Embakasi – 00521
  • Enterprise Road – 00500
  • P.O. Nairobi – 00100
  • Gigiri – 00601
  • K.I.A. Airport – 00501
  • Jamia – 00101
  • Kamiti – 00607
  • Kangemi – 00625
  • Karen – 00502
  • Kayole – 00518
  • Kenyatta National Hospital – 00202
  • Kenyatta University – 00609
  • Langata – 00509
  • Lavington – 00603
  • Lower Kabete – 00604
  • Makongeni – 00510
  • Mathare Valley – 00611
  • Mbagathi – 00503
  • Mchumbi Road – 00504
  • Mlolongo – 00519
  • Muthaiga – 00619
  • Ngara Road – 00600
  • Ngong Road – 00505
  • Nyayo Stadium – 00506
  • Parklands – 00623
  • Ronald Ngala Street – 00300
  • Ruai – 00520
  • Ruaraka – 00618
  • Sarit Centre – 00606
  • State Law – 00102
  • Tom Mboya Street – 00400
  • Uhuru Gardens – 00517
  • Uthiru – 00605
  • Valley Arcade – 00514
  • Village Market – 00621
  • Viwandani – 00507
  • Waithaka – 00613
  • Wangige – 00614
  • Westlands – 00800
  • Yaya Towers – 00508

Did we miss any ZIP code of Nairobi? Let us know in the comments section below.

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