Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Should you break the bank on Valentine’s Day after tough Njaanuary?

Njaanuary, a corrupted word for January to signal the hunger associated with it, has become a tradition to be annually observed in Kenya. This month represents the financial constraints that millions of Kenyans face as the years begins, following a heavy spending in December.

After a month of being on survival mode, measured expenses and every shilling equalling the dollar’s worth, those with people close to their hearts have to mark another tradition on the 14th of February.

Valentine’s Day & Personal Finance; a match made in heaven. It is a day that’s all about love and showing people close to you, including family and friends, that you care about them.

Co-Op post

However, the modern world has romanticized this day as all about expensive gifts. Many are feeling the pressure to spend lots of money on their loved ones. It is that time of the year when lifestyle brands anxiously await to cash in the most profits.

Ultimately, there’s no price tag on love. Sure, it can be a costly day spent with your loved ones if you wish it to be, but it need not come at the expense of your financial stability, especially after a difficult month.


It goes without saying that the Kenyan economy isn’t doing well at the moment and the majority are struggling. A discerning budgeter already knows that the 14th of February is a day to be approached with much caution.

A survey conducted late last year by InfoTrak showed that 73% of the citizenry are living on a financial tightrope, with 18% in severe financial distress and 55% struggling to make ends meet.

“The hard-economic hardships have had various impacts on Kenyans including; increased stress and anxiety (48%), strain on personal relationships (32%), physical health issues (21%) and mental health effects (18%) among others,” the study read in part.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with spoiling our loved ones. From a financial standpoint and drawing inferences from what we know, it doesn’t make sense to break the bank just a fortnight after, arguably, the most difficult month of the year.

For starters, those who mark the occasion know that the day tends to be a very costly celebration. Many people fail to play their cards right in preparation to the 14th. Worryingly, some will even opt for the buy-now/pay-later route.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to get around this. In truth, love does not need to be heavy on the wallet. Instead of getting carried away by social media pressure, place the celebrations in context with your overall financial plans.

Take a look at your spending habits and ask yourself how you can enjoy the occasion without the financial heartache whilst risking the emotional heartache. Here are some amiable resolutions you can choose:

1 Budget & Get Personal

You’ll be surprised to find out that the best gifts and experiences are not always the priciest. Take your time to think of a meaningful gift(s) for your loved one.

Determine how much you are willing to spend. This cannot be stressed enough as it will help you avoid overspending and ensure that you stick to your financial goals. Celebrate love in ways that align with your financial situation

2 Have a conversation with your loved ones

Mother Teresa once shared about the power of a smile stating, ‘Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love’.

If you’re worried about money, sit down and make a pact with your partner not to go overboard, but rather celebrate the day by spending time happily together. Challenge yourself to creativity by finding something less costly to engage in.

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The concept of spending time is different from spending money. Plan the day’s activities ahead of time for romantic walks, cooking and sharing amazing meals together, excetra. It is the thought that counts.

3 Put off the day

14th February falling exactly at the middle of the month doesn’t exactly help with the financial situation. If you had not budgeted for the occasion, why not choose a different day to celebrate?

Don’t get yourself worked up with thoughts about where to get extra money or take credit in order to ensure your partner has a mind-blowing experience.

However, this isn’t advice to completely ignore the day, appreciate them where possible with what you can manage. This way, you’ll not only ensure you show love to your loved ones, but also to your finances. The most beautiful moments in life are the simplest.


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