Thursday, February 20, 2025

TSC advertises 14,000 job vacancies

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has advertised not less than 14,000 teaching vacancies for various positions in line with the Career Progression Guidelines.

In an advert in a local daily, 13,713 vacancies for principals, deputy principals, senior masters, secondary teachers, head teachers, and deputy head teachers in secondary and primary schools have been announced. A Total of 3,210 going will go to secondary schools and 10,507 to primary schools.

The commission further asked qualified persons to apply for four chief principal-Teacher Training Colleges vacancies.

Co-Op post

The commission also announced 1,021 vacancies for teachers to be deployed as principals, deputy principals, head teachers, and deputy head teachers in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and Hard-to-Staff counties. These places will include; Baringo, Garissa, Homa Bay, Isiolo, Kajiado, Kilifi Kitui, Kwale, Lamu, Madera, Marsabit, Narok, Samburu, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir and West Pokot.

“Applicants for vacancies in Asal and Hard-to-Staff counties shall be required to upload the letter of deployment to the current responsibility during application,” the commission said.
A week ago, Akello Misori, Secretary General of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), said all teachers who have served in various capacities as senior teachers, Deputy Principals, and Principals would be automatically promoted.

“We demand that all teachers in Job Groups C2 to C3 be promoted automatically after three years of service. We demand that no cadre be left in promotion advertisements for as long as it is currently the case,” Misori said.

Misori, on the other hand, said senior Masters in Secondary Schools is a substantive deployment according to career progression guidelines.

“The entry cadre to senior Masters Category is senior Masters IV a position teacher at C3 should be promoted to. We noticed that most schools do not have substantive senior Masters, so the majority are internally appointed where they have acted for a long time, which is illegal under labour laws,” Misori said.


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