Wednesday, March 12, 2025

TSC announces fresh replacement vacancies; Here’s how to apply

TSC Replacement Vacancies: The Teachers Service Commission has announced fresh replacement vacancies. The new vacancies are for 1,550 teachers who left the service through natural attrition.

They include some 1,119 vacancies in for secondary school teachers and another 431 vacancies for primary school teachers. According to the TSC, successful candidates will be employed on permanent and pensionable basis.

To qualify for appointment on permanent and pensionable terms of service, a candidate should be eligible to serve for a minimum period of ten (10) continuous years, effective from the date of the first appointment as required by law.

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“Interested and qualified candidates for secondary school vacancies should submit their applications online through the Commission’s website not later than March 8, 2021,” the TSC said.

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To qualify for the positions, the TSC has given the following minimum requirements:

1) Be a Kenyan citizen

2) Must be a holder of a P1 certificate in the case of primary schools and a minimum of a diploma in education in the case of secondary schools

3) Must be a registered teacher with the Teachers Service Commission.

Those looking to apply for these positions are required to submit their applications through the official TSC website under the tab ‘Careers’ or through the website teachersonline TSC website. TSC Replacement Vacancies.


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