Thursday, February 20, 2025

Types of Kenyan passports and their application fees

For any Kenyan with a need to travel to a foreign state, one must have a valid passport with them.

A passport is a legal document that enables a citizen of a country to cross national borders. Those who cross borders without a passport are referred to as aliens.

All types of passports in Kenya are issued by the Department of Immigration under the Ministry of Interior & Coordination of the National Government. In addition to travelling, passports serve as an alternative identification method for National IDs in Kenya.

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Did you know there are a variety of different types of Kenyan passports, all of which serve different purposes for their holders? Each passport has its own privileges and/or limitations.

In this article, we shall take a look at the various types of Kenyan passports offered by the immigration services in Kenya, the application process and their respective application fees.

  1. Diplomatic passports

Out of all types of Kenyan passports, these are easily identifiable in their maroon colour, different from the majority of passports offered in Kenya.    This is a highly coveted type of 48-page passport within government circles.

Also known as a special passport, it is an ‘instant door opener’ in business or government environments in numerous nations. It is also a symbol of prestige in both social and professional circles.

Other benefits include:

  • Easier visa restrictions
  • Access to diplomatic lounges at many airports
  • Free visas to many countries
  • Travel upgrades on airlines and hotels

In summary, you have to be on a diplomatic mission to wield this kind of passport. Here is a list of individuals who are viable for diplomatic passports

  • Executive members
  • Members of parliament
  • Ministers and Cabinet Secretaries
  • Judiciary officials
  • Army generals
  • Governors
  • Senators
  • Ambassadors

There is no standard application process for diplomatic passports in Kenya. The application fees for diplomatic passports will have you paying Sh. 7,750.

  1. Ordinary passport

This is the one that most people are familiar with, with its striking blue colour. It is granted to any Kenyan who wants to travel to other countries and attend to their matters, be it vacations, business meetings or relocation.

Its longevity period is ten years, hence proving an easy passport to manage. Ordinary passports are classified into 3 categories:

  1. A- series: It has 32 pages and costs Sh. 4,550
  2. B-series: It has 48 pages and costs Sh. 6,050
  • C-series: It has 64 pages and costs Sh. 7,550
  1. East African passport

It is a smaller version of the ordinary passport. The East African Passport is light blue in colour.

It is less costly and allows holders to gain access to member states of the East African Community.

Due to this limitation, this passport only costs Sh. 990. Furthermore, it has a short lifespan as it has to be renewed half yearly.

  1. Biometric passports

Biometric passports were rolled out in August 2017, as a means to replace the manual travel documents.

During the registration process, biometric data is collected, including fingerprints, height measurements, facial recognition technology, and other physical characteristics.

To apply for this passport, you will still need to carry the important documents required when applying for a passport.

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  1. Mutilated passports

A mutilated passport refers to a passport that has undergone damage, alteration, or mutilation, which consequently undermines its validity. All types of Kenyan passports that are mutilated must be replaced.

To obtain a new passport, the applicant must submit the following:

  • A completed application form.
  • Two identical photographs of the applicant were taken within the last six months.
  • The applicant’s most recent passport.
  • A police report if the passport was lost or stolen.
  • Proof of Kenyan citizenship, such as a birth certificate, national identity card, or previous passport
  • Marriage certificate or court order, if the applicant has changed their name.
  • A fee of Sh. 10,050

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