Thursday, February 20, 2025

Willy Kavuu: This is why I quit farming

Kunde There are people who make very good money from farming. There are also people who make losses in farming. One Kenyan has shared how he quit farming on social media.

The Kenyan, Willy Kavuu, narrated how his bid to make some extra money from farming ended up in losses. Here’s what he said:

So I had just been posted in this village – Remote rural areas of Kwale County as a teacher.

Co-Op post

Being from an agricultural community upcountry, and with all the energy and vigour to venture into what I love most, I showed interest in the same.

The place was greenish with good rains- a parameter that would entice one into farming.

I sent word around that I was looking for land to lease.

Next morning, around 6am, someone knocked on my door. He introduced himself. He told me that he has over 40acres of land that are not fully utilized. That he can comfortably LEASE me 5acres without any problem.

How farm started with 1,500 chicks now produces 20,000 chickens monthly

Same day after work (4pm). I visited Him. He promised to lease me 5acres of land FOR FREE., But under the following conditions:-

  • That on the same piece of land, we will intercrop maize and cowpeas (Kunde).
  • Kunde ni yake but maize will be mine. I obliged.
  • I will pay him  5k to plough ( dig) the land. Meaning each acre 1k. He has the bulls( Oxen) to do the work. It shouldn’t go to an outsider.
  • I pay him 5k for  for planting using Oxen. Meaning 1k per acre. Again it shouldn’t go to an outsider.
  • That I will pay him 5k for weeding, meaning 1k per acre.
  • That I buy a prescribed fertilizer and maize seeds, for my own use( though the kundes will still benefit coz we plant in same row with my maize)

I met all conditions. Following day being a Saturday, was on the farm having met all the conditions including buying seeds and fertilizer.

We ploughed and planted together. I saw my seeds being sawn together with fertilizer and cowpeas

Wacha siku ya GERMINATION. All kundes germinated. I could only spot scattered weak maize seedlings.

A sympathiser visited me after realizing that I had been reduced to a  village laughing stock without my knowledge.

This is what he had say, “ Pole sana Mwalimu. Yule bwana alikuibia mchana peupe. Ule mchanga wake sio wa mahindi kabisaaa. Ule unaitwa COASTAL SANDY SOILS. Ni nzuri Kwa Kunde, Coconut, cashewnuts, cassava, na sweet potatos. Lakini mahindi hata kuota/ germination ni shida. Na yakiota hayazai. Mwanzo hayapiti futi mbili kutoka chini”

I visited the farm after a month and couldn’t spot any maize, but a thicket of wondering cowpeas. Very GREEN and HEALTHY. I enquired whether he had uprooted the maize.

I was told NOO, naturally kundes would overgrow the maize and the maize would disappear. THINK OF THE HEIGHT OF COWPEAS OVERGROWING THAT OF MAIZE.

That was 2007. Sijalima Tena.  I lost over 20k in broad daylight.

When the deal is too good think twice. Again, There is NOTHING for FREE. That what looks free is actually very EXPRESSIVE in the long run.


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