Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ambulance services and their hotlines in Kenya

There are certain health emergencies that require medical evacuation. A medical emergency can catch off guard if you don’t have the correct contacts for ambulance services or your nearest hospital’s emergency department.

Today, if you have any medical emergency that requires an evacuation by an ambulance, you can contact any of the following ambulance services and hospitals in your area.

These ambulances come equipped with both basic and advanced medical equipment, medical support including for life support, and qualified staff:

Co-Op post

1). Kenya Red Cross

Kenya Red Cross emergency ambulance services are offered under its subsidiary known as E–Plus Kenya. These services are available across the 47 counties.


Emergency Contacts: 0700 395 395 or 0738 395 395

Email: [email protected]

2). Avenue Rescue Services

Avenue Health Care Services are equipped to respond to medical emergencies in Mombasa, Nakuru, Nairobi, Ongata Rongai, Eldoret and Kisumu.

Contacts: 020-3743858, 0711 060 000, 0732 175 000.

Email: [email protected]

3). Kenyatta National Hospital

Kenyatta National Hospital is the largest referral hospital in Kenya. The hospital receives emergencies on a 24 hour basis.

Contacts: 020 2726300, 2726450/1-5, 2726550, 0738606409, 020 272 5272

Email: [email protected]

4). Critical Care Ambulance Services Limited

This is a 24–hour emergency ambulance service based in Pumwani, Nairobi. The service also offers high level intensive care unit evacuation, transfers and transportation.  `

Hotline Numbers: 0716 400 500, 0728 918 000, 0735 844 904

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5). St John’s Ambulances

This ambulance service offers subscription packages that provide for 24 hour medical emergency ambulance evacuation, stabilization on site by emergency medical personnel, online medical consultation, and hospital transfers. An individual plan at St. John’s Ambulances costs Sh. 1,200 while a family plan costs Sh. 5,000 per year.

Main Hotline: 072-1225285

Kisumu: 0723-956649, 0722-664042 or [email protected]

Kakamega: 0718-189671 or [email protected]

Mombasa: 0721-392223, 0722-956803 or [email protected]

Nakuru: 0721-355773, 0721-486211 or [email protected]

Nyeri: 0724-418811 or [email protected]

6). Intensive Care Air Ambulances

Contacts: 0722-600600, 0733-600600, 020-6000600, 020-604945, 020- 602767 or [email protected]

7). AAR Health Emergency

AAR Health Care runs a 24/7 medical emergency radio room. The service runs both basic life support and advanced life support ambulance services.

Contacts: 0725-225-225, 0734-225-225, 020-2717374/5/6, 0709-701000, or 0730-65500.

Email: [email protected]

AAR Kisumu: 0734 444470

Mombasa: 0729 933559

8). AMREF Flying Doctors

This service offers round the clock medical standby rescue services using ground ambulance, helicopter or fixed wing aircraft.

Contacts: 0722-207350, 020-6000552, 020-6003988, 020-6002492, 020-6000833, 020-6000868

Email: [email protected]

9). The Nairobi Hospital

Contacts: 020 2845000, 020 2714400, 0722 204 114/5/6/7, 020 2713662, 020 2728003

10). The Mater Hospital

This hospital operates on a 24 hour basis. It has a section dedicated to accidents and emergencies.

Emergency contacts: 071  9073000 or 0732163000

Call centre: 0719073000 or 0732163000

11). MP Shah Hospital

This facility is located in Parklands Nairobi County. The hospital’s emergency department can be reached through:

Contacts: 020 4291 100 or 0722 204 427 or 0733 606 113

The hospital also has a 24-hour dedicated Covid-19 hotline: 0704 419 736

12). Aga Khan University Hospital

This hospital has branches in Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa. The hospital has dedicated sections for adult and pediatric casualties.

The adult casualty emergency section can be reached via:

(0) 20366 2025

The pediatric casualty emergency section can be reached via:

(0) 20366 2031

Tele-Consultation services are also available at the hospital from Monday to Friday 8:00am– 4:00 pm as follows:

Clinic Contact Number
Antenatal Clinic (ANC) including Wellbaby Clinic +254 (0)711 092 200
Breast Clinic +254 (0)711 092 080
Counselling Psychology +254 (0)711 092 854
Dietetics Clinic +254 (0)711 092 042
Family Medicine Clinic (FMC) +254 (0)711 092 854
Heart Clinic +254 (0)711 092 073
Jubilee Clinic +254 (0)711 092 146
Medical Clinics including: Neurology, Rheumatology, Gastroeneterology, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Internal medicine, Haematology, Chest clinic, Dermatology, and Psychiatry +254 (0)711 09 2029
Diabetes and Endocrinology +254 (0)711 09 2774
Obstetrics & Gynaecology +254 (0)711 092 876
Outreach medical centres +254 (0)793 326 952, +254 (0)782 639 655
Oncology Clinics including: Paediatric Oncology, Heamato-oncology and General oncology +254 (0)711 092 037
Paediatric clinics including: Paediatric surgery, Neurology, Allergy, Adolescent, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Haematology, Chest, Developmental Paediatrics, Neonatology and Psychiatry +254 (0)711 092 591
Pain Management +254 (0)711 092 785
Renal Clinics +254 (0)711 092 337
Surgical Clinics including: Orthopaedic, Paediatric surgery, Plastic surgery, General surgery, ENT, Neurosurgery, Maxillofacial, Anaesthesia, Cardiothoracic +254 (0)711 092 337


Aga Khan University Hospital’s general contacts are as follows: 020 3740000, 020 374 2531, 0711092000, 0722204146, 020 3741749

13). Gertrude Children’s Hospital

The hospital offers ambulance services for emergency and other uses.

Contacts: 020 720 6000, 0730645000 or 0709529000

14). Consolata Mathari Hospital

This facility is based in Nyeri County. It offers round the clock ambulance services.

Contacts: 0729098324 or 0203536939

15). OCOA Ambulance Service

OCOA Ambulance Services provides round the clock evacuation for life-threatening emergency medical conditions.

Contact: 0758 692 000.

Email: [email protected].

16). Josmori Ambulance

Josmori Ambulance provides round the clock ambulance services that include county by county evacuation, across the border evacuations, referrals from hospitals to hospitals, medical evacuations from home to hospitals, standby ambulance services for events, and on scene evacuations to hospitals.

Contact: 0700 767 664.

16). Sayyida Fatimah Hospital

Sayyida Fatimah Hospital is based in Mombasa at the coast region.

Contacts: 0729 410 016

17). Ivory Health Solutions

Ivory Health provides both health and ambulance services in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties.

Contacts: 0726 998 880, 0786 998 880.

18). Radiant Ambulances

Based in Nairobi, the Radiant Hospitals offer 24 hour ambulance services. These include emergency evacuation services and planned patient services.

Hotline: 0717 666 695 or 0717 666 626

Ambulance: 0725 532 000

Email: [email protected]

19). Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH)

MTRH is the second largest referral hospital in Kenya. The hospital has a transport department where emergency ambulances are based. The hospital operates four fully equipped ambulances which are also available to the public in the event of medical emergencies.

Contacts: 0701393979

20). Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital

This hospital offers Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support ambulances services. We are operational 24/7 including during public holidays. This facility is base along Kangundo Road in Umoja 2, Embakasi West, in Nairobi County.

Contacts: 0208022676

21). Mbagathi County Hospital

The hospital borders the Kenyatta National Hospital and the Forces Memorial Hospital in Nairobi County. It has a dedicated line for emergency medical cases.

Contacts for emergency services: 020 2724712 or 0721 311 808

22). Bliss Medical Centre

Bliss has a fleet of ambulances equipped for round the clock advanced life support and basic life support.

Emergency contacts: 0780 328 381 or 0730 704 000

22). Nyeri Ambulance Services

There are a number of hospitals in Nyeri County that provide ambulance services. Here are the hospitals and their contacts:

a). Nyeri County Health Services Ambulances: 0717001649

b). Red Cross: 0722774693 or 0720596661

c). Consolata Mathari Mission Hospital: 0729098324 or 0203536939

d). Mary Immaculate Hospital: 0723576106

e). Outspan Hospital: 0722696901 or 0612030742

f). PCEA TumuTumu Hospital: 0720948474

23). Mombasa Ambulance Services

In Mombasa County, you can get both disaster and medical rescue services:

Mombasa County disaster

Contacts: 0707-911911, 0788-911911, 0775-911911 or 0756-911911

Ambulance Services

a). St John Ambulance: 0706-777077

b). Red Cross- E-plus: 0700-395395

c). AAR Ambulance: 0729-933559

d). Mewa Ambulance: 0716-292798

e). Kenya Police: 0722-343878 or 020-3556769

f). Pandya Mission Hospital: 041-229252/221783 or 0722 206424

Here are more ambulance service providers across the country




Hospital Provider



NYANDARUA JM County Memorial Hospital 0733 685480
  Pine Hospital


0710 411257
  North Kinangop Catholic Hospital 0713.777816 or 050 50592
BOMET Tenwek Hospital 020-2045542 or 0728-8091900
DIANI Diani Beach Hosp 040-3300150/1
ELDORET Eldoret Memorial Hospital 053 2033471
  Eldoret Hospital 053-2062000/1 or 0733-618833 or 0733-964096
  Medhill Hosp 052-2060071/2, 0723-578895, 0735-864169
  E-plus 0700 395 395
KAKAMEGA St. John Ambulance 0718-189671
KARATINA Jamii Hospital 061- 72077 or 0712-275175



Kericho Nursing Home

052-30653, 0722-999661 or 0720-882484

Fax; 052-30419

  Siloam 052 21200, 0728 881121 or 0729 692010
KIRINYAGA ACK Mt. Kenya Hospital 020-2033971, 0722-897833
  Mwea Mission Hospital-Wang’uru 020-2032382, 0721, 214938, 0722, 260748 or 0722, 606 8
KISII Bosongo Medical Center 058-/31335/31957
  Hema Hospital 020-2022548
KISUMU St. John 057-2022860, 0721-956 692 or 0736-020092
  E-plus 0700 395 395
KITALE E-plus 0700 395 395
  Mt. Elgon Hospital 054-30704/
MACHAKOS Bishop Kioko hospital 044-21415, 044-20495, 0738-627651 or 0721-179359
MALINDI E-plus 0700 395 395
  Star Hospital 042-30762
  E-plus 0700 395 395
MUMIAS Mumias Mat & Nurs. Home 056-41291
MURANG’A Kiria-ini Mission Hospital 020-354 5157, 0723-704 530
NAIVASHA Homegrown Medical Center 050-30380/5 or 50017
NAKURU St. Johns Ambulance 051-2216919, 0721-486211
  Pine Breeze Hospital 051-2211278/9

Evans Sunrise hospital

051-2212462/5, 051-2215246, 0737-247365

0712-247365, 0725-911911, 0735-911 911

  E-plus 0700-395 395
NANYUKI Nanyuki Cottage Hospital 062-32207, 020-32666, 0722-457173
  E-plus 0700-395 395
VOI Dr. Hanifa 0722-237961/043 2030580
WEBUYE Webuye Nursing Home 055-41575
  Menelik Medical Center 0733-905177, 0722-208370, 020-3875934, 020-387532

Nairobi Women’s hospital

0722-760 146, 0728-249825, 0728-249826, 0733-61835

272 6821 / 272 6824 / 272 6826 / 272 6827 / 273 6845


Coptic Hospital

020-272 4737 / 272 0831 / 272 5856,

0735-558862, 0723-100252


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