Monday, February 17, 2025

Data breach shows list of companies associated with Odinga family

East Africa Spectre and Spectre International are the two companies that are widely known as belonging to the Odinga family. The companies manufacture cooking gas cylinders.

However, the Odinga family has directorial and shareholding in several other companies that may not be as widely known.

This has been revealed by a massive data breach that hit the Business Registration Services platform that is operated by the government. The breach saw details on shareholders and directors of companies get listed on the B2BHint website where they were accessible to all and sundry.

Co-Op post

According to the data, the shareholders of East Africa Spectre and Spectre International include the estate of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga, and the estate of Africa’s first barrister Argwings Kodhek.

Raila’s wife Mama Ida Odinga, and Raila Odinga Junior are listed as the directors of the companies. In addition to this, there are other companies that are associated with the family, which include Lennox Development, Duma Investments, Newspoint, Adopo Capital, Kango Enterprises, and Spectre International.

List: BRS data breach exposes local Kenyatta family companies, businesses

The family also has directorial and shareholding in companies such as Jahazi Development, Pan African Petroleum, Creative Hub, Wutho Holdings, and Be Energy. The Odingas are not the only prominent family whose businesses and companies have been exposed in the data breach.

The details from the BRS data breach also show that the Kenyatta family has a vast empire that ranges from dairy industry, hotels, and properties. Former president Uhuru Kenyatta’s brother Muhoho Kenyatta leads the family in directorial roles and shareholding in many of the companies under the family name.

The family is connected to a chain of hotels under the Heritage Hotels group. Muhoho is listed as a director of the hotels. His name is also listed in fourteen other companies. These companies include Ilara Dairy, Brookside Africa, Brookside Dairy Limited, Emken Investments, and CBA Property Holdings.

Emken Investments is the holding company for the Kenyatta family. Muhoho is further listed as a director at Greenhut Investments, CBA Property Holdings, Northlands, Kipungani Lamu, Gleenlee Company, Sukarii Development, Loops DFS, Serengeti Investments, and the Gicheha Farms.


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