Tuesday, June 18, 2024

ECD network launches National Child Care Campaign as they commemorate day of the African Child

The ECD Network for Kenya, in collaboration with the Africa Early Childhood Network, has launched a groundbreaking nationwide campaign to champion quality and affordable child care. This initiative was unveiled during a press conference at the Tamarind Tree Hotel on June 14, 2024, coinciding with the annual Day of the African Child celebrations.
The campaign, themed “Universal Access to Quality Child Care and Protection for Children 0-5 Years,” addresses the significant challenges facing child care in Kenya. Despite ongoing efforts, only a small percentage of children under five have access to quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) services, with rural areas and informal settlements being the most affected. Highlighting the fragmented service delivery and the need for a coordinated approach, the campaign will drive a national dialogue to improve childcare accessibility and quality.
Key objectives of the campaign include showcasing strides in legal and policy coordination, advocacy, and research, and advocating for increased investment in child care across the country. The campaign will emphasize the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration and supportive policies in fostering holistic child development and supporting working parents.
The ECD Network’s campaign will leverage national calendar days like the Day of the African Child to enhance public awareness and drive meaningful change in the childcare landscape. This year’s celebrations, launched on June 9 in Kitui and culminating in an event at Muatate Primary School in Taita-Taveta, will highlight the theme “Education for All Children in Africa. The Time is Now,” reflecting a continental commitment to child welfare and education.
The event will bring together national and county governments, civil society, caregivers, and other stakeholders, underscoring the critical role of childcare services in supporting children, families, businesses, and societies. The campaign will spotlight the importance of providing safe, stimulating environments during the critical developmental years of zero to three, emphasizing the long-term benefits for children and the community.
As the campaign unfolds, the ECD Network will implement strategies focusing on coordination, advocacy, and knowledge management. These strategies aim to empower caregivers and communities to provide nurturing care, promote resilience in young children, and support their early development. Caregivers, being the primary agents of nurturing care, will benefit from enabling policies, services, and empowered communities to ensure children’s well-being.
Moreover, the campaign will advocate for child-friendly policies that benefit working parents. Establishing family-centered policies not only supports parents but also benefits businesses by increasing employee retention, productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty. This holistic approach will help attract talent, boost employer reputation, and expand access to markets.
 Through a well-coordinated awareness campaign, the ECD Network aims to drive a significant impact on the childcare sector in Kenya, ensuring a brighter future for the country’s youngest citizens and fostering a supportive environment for families and communities.

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