Friday, March 14, 2025

What teachers need to be recruited as principals, deputies

School Principal Jobs: The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced that it will recruit of 1,000 principals and deputies for secondary schools, a week after announcing the hiring of 6,000 head teachers and their deputies for primary schools.

TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia has also announced the appointment of 240 curriculum support officers (CSOs) and quality assurance officers.

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The TSC is recruiting 16 chief principals in Grade D5 for national schools. They earn between Sh. 121,814 and Sh. 157,656 per month, excluding allowances.

The commission is also recruiting 516 principals who fall under Grade D3, who take home a basic salary of between Sh. 93,850 and Sh. 102, 807.


Another 91 deputy principals I in Grade D3 are also being recruited as well as 204 deputy principals II in Grade D2. They will earn basic salaries of between Sh. 82,717 and Sh. 87,900 respectively.

However, this time round the commission is not recruiting senior principals in Grade 4.

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Presently, there are 53 senior principals, 121 deputy principals I and 355 deputy principals II in secondary schools.

In an advert Ms Macharia said the principals are being promoted based on the career progression guidelines for teachers.

“Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications should make their applications online through the TSC website ( so as to be received on or before September 17,” said Mrs Macharia. She said handwritten applications will not be considered.

The agency is also recruiting 64 assistant deputy directors (teacher management) and 12 assistant deputy directors (quality assurance and standards) officers.

The commission is also hiring 164 curriculum support officers in Grade D1, who earn a basic salary of between Sh. 74,703 and Sh. 82,717.

Ms Macharia said shortlisted candidates will be required to present a certificate of good conduct, clearance certificates from the Higher Education Loans Board, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Credit Reference Bureau, tax compliance certificate from KRA.

The TSC is yet to advertise the promotion of 38,000 teachers who hold diploma certificates but teach in secondary schools, and have remained in same position for years.

Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education (Kuppet) said it is TSC that will determine the number of teachers to be promoted based on how long they have served, their qualifications and number of vacancies.

The teachers, who mostly fall in Job Group K (now Grade C2) and Job Group J (Grade C1), were not promoted when the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) 2017-2021 came into effect on July 1, since it affected promotions after the introduction of one common cadre.

A total of 29,782 teachers fall in C1 (primary teacher I and secondary teachers II), while 19,439 fall in C2 (secondary teacher II and secondary teacher UT and primary special need education teacher).
However, the TSC made no mention of the promotion of teachers in a statement issued by Mrs Macharia after the meeting. School Principal Jobs


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