An elevator pitch is an overview of who you are, what you do and how you can help the listener. It’s you selling yourself in a brief and concise manner, using a format that most people are familiar with. Whilst the elevator pitch is similar to your personal brand statement and bio, it’s delivered verbally and thus should have a slightly different wording to be punchy and memorable. The elevator pitch prepares you for these opportunities and equips you with a powerful tool to get the most out of a chance meeting.
To put a good pitch together you can ask yourself a few questions and the answers to these will be a good start. These questions are:
- What value do you provide?
- How do you provide this value?
- What is unique about your offer?
- What is your target market?
Four step process for crafting an elevator pitch
This is the process devised by sales trainer James Nudelman a.k.a. the Noodle.
Step 1 – Begin with an ACTION PHRASE that is NOT a noun. (”I am a X” — but don’t use a “label” in the blank. You don’t want people to put you in a box.)
Step 2 – Add a one sentence statement about what you DO. (”I do Y” — What do you help people or businesses do?)
Step 3 – Give a statement of the SPECIFIC IMPACT. (”People who utilize my process find Z” — list one or two things from the perspective of your potential employer.)
Step 4 – End with a CALL TO ACTION. (”I am looking to be introduced to A” — be specific! If you ask for something non-specific you are likely to get it. What good is that?)