Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Recap Of The Annual Youth Leadership Summit By Dr. Vimal Shah

A Recap Of The Annual Youth Leadership Summit By Dr. Vimal Shah

This year’s youth leadership summit held at Bidco brought together hundreds of Kenyan youths from various high schools in the country (Alliance High School, Lenana School, Aga Khan, Alliance Girls High School) who were eager to learn from Bidco’s chairman Dr. Vimal Shah on effective leadership skills on what it takes to be a leader.

It is quite impressive seeing Vimal Shah, one of the richest people in the country, philanthropist and chairman to one of East Africa’s largest conglomerate (Bidco) setting aside some time from his busy schedule to mentor youths in  Kenya.

A Recap Of The Annual Youth Leadership Summit By Dr. Vimal Shah

Co-Op post

During the summit, Vimal shared incredible tips each young person inspiring to be a leader should posses, pointing out the fact that each human being has leadership capabilities. We simply have to explore and utilize them.

“To be a leader you should be a keen listener.  Leadership does not require you to act like you know everything, but rather to learn how to be humble and listen to other people’s opinions as well.” He says.

Another key point noted by Vimal Shah was the fact that leadership is lifelong learning and one should always be ready to learning in order to be a better leader.


A Recap Of The Annual Youth Leadership Summit By Dr. Vimal Shah

“Last but not least, in order to be a leader you must have confidence.  Nobody ever became a good leader while lacking confidence. Always have confidence in what you know and what you don’t know, and be true to yourself and to others.”


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